NCAA Football Top 25 Rankings
Updated: Week 11, 15 NOV 2015
(Delta Calc'd from Week 10, 8 NOV 2015)
Some of these rankings my surprise you, but keep in mind that there is no bias towards any team or preconceived notions, and the only thing considered is what each team has accomplished so far.
(For those viewing from a phone, tap the rankings and rotate to enlarge)
Highlights in the Top 10:
- I apologize this is incomplete. I had limited time and just wanted to at least post the ratings.
My Take:
- I apologize this is incomplete. I had limited time and just wanted to at least post the ratings.
Conference Rankings
I struggle with how to rate the conferences based on my ratings. I'm not convinced a simple average of the conference's teams really does the conference justice. But until I come up with a better way, that's the method I post below:
- I apologize this is incomplete. I had limited time and just wanted to at least post the ratings.
Poll Comparison
How do my rankings compare to the other polls? I'm glad you asked:
Comments? Please share below!
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